Dotaupha is the acronym of Matthew 14:16: "you give them something to eat"


Dotaupha is the acronym of Matthew 14:16: "you give them something to eat". Dotaupha aims to contribute to the integral development of human beings in the French-speaking world - particularly in francophone Africa - by meeting their needs in terms of biblical and theological education, social justice and health.

We wish to live out, explain and bring to life the essence of God's word, namely:

  • spiritual nourishment,
  • the source of a life of faith, hope and love,
  • a light for whoever believes.


Dotaupha is essentially made up of two poles:

  • A teaching center

  • A Humanitarian center with a focus on the care, value and respect of human beings

For further details, please consult the flyer (in French) le FLYER


DOTAUPHA is an organisation created on April 28th 2019, and officially recognized on May 3rd of the same year under the number W912013689 (Prefecture of ESSONNE -France).Préfecture de l’ESSONNE –France).

An NGO was created in Kinshasa under the same name to carry DOTAUPHA's vision and projects.